Operation Emotion operates three weekly support groups. One in Plymouth one in Paignton and a weekly online support group that provides a service across Devon and Cornwall and beyond. We can provide this service to those living in remote locations. Please contact us if you would like to access this service and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

Do support groups really work? What are the benefits? Can they help you? In the above short film David looks a the benefits of peer support groups and answers some of these questions.
Operation Emotion Support Group
The support groups are a safe place for you to speak freely about what is bothering you without fear of being judged. These groups are friendly, supportive and also engage in wider social activities to help combat isolation. They operate every week 52 weeks a year.
Seek the help that you can get
If you would like to come along or simply find out more about them then please contact Steve 07837 321514 or Kev 07721 069496.
For further information call Steve 07837 321514 | 07539 810096 | Kev on 07721 069496 Or send us a message securely on our fully encrypted email service at: opem@pm.me
Operation Emotion supports and promotes the statutory guidance Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales details of which can be found here